Well, when I got to the boat this spring, 2023. the webasto had packed up. And my min/max thermometer said that temperature had dropped a couple of degrees below zero. Inside the boat! Luckily I had drained all the tanks so there was little damage.
I thought it might be the fuel pump and took it over to Kings Lock. They said it would probably be fine and tested it. It was. They recommended I check the fuses, they are prone to going high resistance, allowing the unit to start up but then fail on low voltage. I checked all the fuses and voltages and they were fine, but still no start. And I still had no idea what parts to order.
We than went out for a month to visit the new section of the Montgomery.
When we got back, the crew suggested I should just order a complete new unit. This I did. It arrived a month or so ago.
So this month I spent a week on Chestnut doing stuff.
First I replaced the Webasto heater with a new unit from Mellor online. I will now send than the old unit for repair and that will give me a standby.
Then I sorted out the Fridge fan.
Finally I replaced the Domestic Control Panel. See the separate page on that.